Simple Steps to Creating Website

If you want to create free website or make free blog then you are in wrong page. For making free blog visit free blogger blog. Today creating a free website is not a difficult task, but does it look professional to your customer. Free website and free blogs never attract your customer, if you are thinking about selling product on free website than you are in wrong direction. Here are simple steps to creating website by following these steps for starting a website brings quality of customer for sale.
creating website
Decide Niche and website name- 
Depend on the purpose of starting website and your product category niche is very important factor. E.g. if you are starting online marketing or affiliate product selling site than site niche is marketing. Suppose you are selling shoes online than website name is not a correct name, it should be
After deciding your domain name, now turns comes for registering domain name for creating website. There are a lot of domain name registering site is available, but I found GoDaddy is one of the best service and low price site for registering domain name. Just go to GoDaddy site, enter your website name and search, if is already taken by someone else than change your website name like or
Just make sure always choose .com in website name because it helps bring more traffic to your site.

Generally hosting means purchasing space for file and web pages storages that can access from worldwide. It’s also called webhosting or website hosting. Hosting company provides web server for our WebPages and data storage. Hosting service is a very important factor for creating website traffic and search engine optimization, that’s I recommend you to use Hostgator because it has following feature.
Free Setup-Generally other webhosting provider charges for creating account, but host is free to set up.
Unlimited Space- Hostgator provides unlimited space for storage WebPages on their web servers.
Excellent technical support- Hostgator provides 24/7 technical support and ready to help their customer any time.
Free Website Templates- Building a professional website with hostgator is very easy and does’t require any kind of software or programming experience because Hostgator provides 4500 free website templates.
Free Google Adword credits-Google Adwords is very important for your website success and it brings a lot of quality of customer to your site. Hostgator provides $100 Free Google Adwords credits for your sites.
Easy installation of software–With Hostgator provides easy installation of any software for your website like WordPress, Joomla, e-commerce, photo galleries, message boards/forums, project management, social networking and portals counters will be install on just one clicks.

Build Your Own Website- 
After purchasing hosting; now it’s time to build your own website.
Choose Your Colors & Design
Add Your Content
Publish To the Web
By doing these three easy steps you can build your own website.

Simple Steps to Creating Website Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Deden Supriatna


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