Google AdSense Vs Chitika

In my previous post I have discussed about alternative of Google AdSenseand chitika is one of them. Here I am going to compare between Google AdSense vs. Chitika, which one is better for new blogger? This is most popular topic I found in forums and blogs. 
google adsense vs chitika

I think Google Adsese is better option to make money online from your blog when CPC – cost per click and CTC – click through rate is compared with chitika, but problem with Google AdSense not easily approved for new site or bloggers. Chitika is one of the sites that easily approve your site or blogs and make money online.Click here Apply now on chitika and get approval.

Chitika also have all sizes of ad formats just like Google AdSense.Chitika income is only depends only if you get search engine traffic from US. If your blog is new and under construction than and you’re not getting more traffic from U.S than best option is Google AdSense. In that case chitika is not good for you.

Why chitika can compare with Google AdSense

Chitika is one of the most popular CPC advertisement network in the market for web publishers which have following amazing option
(a) Relatively higher pay-per-click
(b) Works with Google AdSense
(c) Capitalize on publishers SEO traffic

Affiliate program with Chitika: Chitika offering publishers to make more money with chitika with their affiliate program.

Google AdSense Vs Chitika Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Deden Supriatna


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